Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)


Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)

For you as an original parts manufacturer, we are the go-to resource for developing and manufacturing plastic injection-moulded parts. With you, we think about the end application and analyse the complete life cycle. We bring to bear our experiences and “lessons learned” and look for the most future-proof solution.

What are your challenges:

Replacing traditional materials

We have succeeded in converting numerous parts from steel to plastic. We have also successfully converted products from virgin material to recyclate. We help you make the right choice.

Improving plastic parts

If you want to improve an existing plastic part, we can carry out the analysis for you. Our expertise acquired in multiple industries will accelerate this process.

Making plastic parts sustainable

You will also be asked about this. With our expertise and successful projects, we can create the future-proof plastic injection moulded part for you. We are familiar with the transition agenda’s circular economy and plastics Transitieagenda_Kunststoffen.pdf (nrk.nl)

Assembling plastic parts

We ourselves also undertake assembly daily, and face the challenge of working cost-efficiently. We bring our experience to bear on your projects.